What about the language ?

Most of the inhabitants of the Atlas region are Berber. They speak Berber and Arabic, and many speak French. Depending on your language we will provide an English, French or Spanish speaking guide. Most of our guides are fluent in several languages.

Is accommodation in Marrakech included ?

We do not automatically include accommodation in Marrakech as part of the package but we can arrange accommodation - and airport transfers - if you wish. Please let us know if you would like us to do this. We do include transport to and from Marrakech in our itineraries.

What is the accommodation on the treks ?

Usually in the summer we camp, normally by a stream or river, in tents or bivouac. On many treks we also stay for at least one night in a Berber house « gite » or mountain refuge.

Yes, the duration and routes of the treks can usually be changed to suit your needs. For some treks variations are already indicated. This should to be specified and agreed in advance although every effort will be made to accommodate this en-route. Some changes may be necessary due to prevailing weather conditions and it remains he prerogative of the guide to vary the itinerary in the interest of safety.

How do we book and pay ?

Find a trek you are interested in then contact us via our enquiry form to discuss your trek and check availability. Once the details of your trek « duration, route and number of people « have been agreed, we will make a provisional booking, giving the dates and cost.

To confirm your booking we ask you to pay a deposit. This can be in Euros, pounds sterling or US dollars. Payment is quick, easy and secure through PayPal and is made by credit or debit card. For more information about PayPal click here. The balance is paid in Morocco - again in Euros, sterling or dollars - at the beginning of the trek.

When are the treks ?

Most treks take place from late March until October, when there is less risk of passes being blocked by snow. But it is possible with the right equipment to trek throughout the year. Please contact us for details of winter treks and the equipment required. The exceptions are trekking in Jebel Sahro and Amezmiz which is all year round and for which no special equipment is required.

What is the weather like ?

The best time of year for trekking is from around May to early November. In May and November it can still be very cold at night - below freezing - and there is the possibility of snowfalls which can result in a change of route. Usually by the end of May the snow has gone and even the summit of Toubkal is free of snow. In the height of summer it can be very hot - up to 40C - during the day but the nights are still cold. Although the climate is generally dry and sunny, heavy storms can occur at any time.

Is there a maximum or minimum number ?

No, except for treks to the Saghro and Sirwa regions where we require a minimum number of 5. For other treks a good number is between 4 and 6. But we cater for sole travellers and large groups.

What about altitude sickness ?

Anyone, even the fittest, can be affected by altitude sickness above about 2700m. The symptoms are shortness of breath, headaches, lethargy and possibly diarrhoea and sickness. At 4000 metres « the height of Toubkal « the symptoms are not severe and usually last no longer than 24 hours. In severe cases it can prevent the sufferer continuing with the trek. Most of our treks are designed to mitigate the effects of altitude sickness by gradual ascent and acclimatisation over several days. Most trekkers, however, are fine, but it is a wise precaution to bring with you a supply of headache, re-hydration and anti-diarrhoeal tablets. Latest Itineraries.

What You Need to Bring ?- Clothing (Winter & Summer)

Good walking boots and socks Comfortable shoes / slippers for camp/guesthouse Trekking pants Lightweight waterproof over-trousers / rain-pants Underwear Long johns T-shirts Fleece jacket or warm jumper Lightweight windproof/waterproof jacket Hat Goggles (winter) and sunglasses « summer « Lightweight thermal or fleece gloves Equipment to bring : 3 to 4 season sleeping bag Walking stick Day sack/backpack Head torch / headlamp Basic First Aid Kit - refer to trip dossier for details Ice axe and crampons (winter) Water bottle or camel back (recommended) Penknife (useful) Other: Personal items (e.g. towel, sunscreen, wipes, toilet tissues, antibacterial handwash) Small First Aid Kit including insect repellent, plasters, meds Small rubbish bag to carry out what you carry in Matches e.g. burn toilet paper Trail snacks Zip-Up bags for camera Repair kit (eg. needle, thread, duct tap....